Splitting and Naming Test Cases Better
When writing unit tests, one questionable thing that I’ve noticed people doing, is having a production class, and for it create a "respective" test class, and then fill it with tests.
Usually, these tests are named after the methods of the production class. This is a known bad-practice, since by doing that we’re tying our tests to the implementation. Which means that soon when the production class changes, we’ll have to cascade the changes into our tests so they can still run, breaking the premise of unit tests serving as a safety-net for preventing regressions.
Luckily, there are many articles warning against this practice, so pretty much everyone gets over it after a reasonable while.
The next stage developers move to, is to start naming the tests more properly as phrases. That improves things a lot, however, particularly when using XUnit frameworks like PHPUnit, there’s still one under-addressed step that should be taken: Splitting and naming test cases properly.
The idea is: if state influences behaviour, then we should specify what is the expected behavior of something under all interesting states/contexts/cases. For instance, the way a banking account should behave when in overdraft is different from when the account has balance.
Getting back to what I said earlier, the typical test case for a Stack would be written like this:
class StackTest extends TestCase {
The problem with this is that test cases like this don’t live up to what they claim to be. They claim to be test cases (extends TestCase
) but no one can identify from their names what is the case under test, if not only the system under test (SUT). And as a result, they end-up containing tests for all kinds of cases. Making it difficult for someone to infer what are the special cases for the behavior of the stack — or whatever is the SUT. Test cases like these, don’t serve as good documentation, which is one of the roles that tests should play.
A test case should be named as to represent the interesting case under which the SUT will be tested. If our production class is for instance a Stack
then we probably want to have A_new_stack, An_empty_stack
or A_non_empty_stack
test cases.
In XUnit this would be something like:
namespace StackSpec;
class A_new_stack_Test extends TestCase {
function test_has_no_depth() {}
class An_empty_stack_Test extends TestCase {
function test_throws_an_error_when_queried_for_its_top_item() {}
function test_throws_when_popped() {}
function test_acquires_depth_by_retaining_a_pushed_item_as_its_top() {}
class A_non_empty_stack_Test extends TestCase {
function test_becomes_deeper_by_retaining_a_pushed_item_as_its_top() {}
function test_when_popping_reveals_tops_in_reverse_order_of_pushing() {}
Notice how the code makes more sense now. Those classes are real Test Cases. When you have a test case named StackTest
, what is really the case? But when you have An_empty_stack_Test
then the subject and case under test become clear.
Knowing this, some people choose to embed the case inside the function names, more or less like so:
class StackTest extends TestCase {
function test_when_empty_has_no_depth() {}
function test_when_not_empty_reveals_tops_in_reverse_order_of_pushing_when_popping() {}
I think this is very good, but I still prefer the first option for these reasons:
with the second option, we have to repeat the case at the beginning of each individual test, and depending on how easy it is to describe the case we render the test name very long and to an extent unreadable
with the second option, we bundle many cases under what is supposed to be a single one (see, it says extends TestCase
being more granular and having the split provides me with some advantages like being able to run just the tests for a designated case. (To be fair it works with the long names too by using some filtering like phpunit --filter "test_when_not_empty"
finally, if we were to put both options through TestDox look how the output would come for each of the forms
A new Stack
- has no depth
An empty stack
- throws when queried for its top item
- throws when popped
- acquires depth by retaining a pushed item as its top
A non-empty stack
- becomes deeper by retaining a pushed item as its top
- when popping reveals tops in reverse order of pushing
# VS
- when new has no depth
- when empty throws when queried for its top item
- when empty throws when popped
- when empty acquires depth by retaining a pushed item as its top
- when not empty becomes deeper by retaining a pushed item as its top
- when not empty reveals tops in reverse order of pushing when popping
Using XSpec frameworks like Kahlan simplifies this as we have a "proper" construct to split the cases — the context
function — which allows us to logically group related test cases without having to resort to multiple classes.
Going back to our Stack example we would have something like:
describe('Stack', function() {
context('when new', function() {
it('has no depth', function () {});
context('when empty', function() {
it('throws an error when queried for its top item', function() {});
it('throws an error when popped', function() {});
it('acquires depth by retaining a pushed item as its top', function() {});
context('when not empty', function() {
it('becomes deeper by retaining a pushed item as its top', function() {});
it('reveals tops in reverse order of pushing when popped', function() {});
A test case should be just that: it should correspond to a single case.