
    TIL - seq

    May 08, 2024 · Coding

    A quick tip on the `seq` CLI utility

    Thank you Armand for the Carquinyolis

    May 05, 2024 · life

    Early this month I had the opportunity to travel to Spain for my company's yearly gathering, Facts by Factorial. I traveled with Osvaldo and arrived a couple of day's early, so we took the opportunity to visit Armand, a fellow and dear co-worker, and see the famous Tarrasa. Armand gifted us with a typical Catalan treat -- Carquinyolis -- which my family enjoyed so very much. But rather than just saying "thank you", I decided to complicate it.

    Serviços públicos online em Moçambique

    Sep 01, 2023

    Esta página contém uma colecção de links para os serviços públicos online em Moçambique. O artigo original não é de minha autoria. Apenas tenho observado esta mensagem de utilidade pública circulando pelas redes socials, especialmente Whatsapp com o título "Informações úteis para aceder aos serviços públicos via on-line em Moçambique" e sendo recorrentemente pedida, pelo que fiz esta página para ter a informação em um único sítio de referência facilmente acessível e pesquisável pela internet. Irei fazer o esforço para enriquecer a lista e mante-la actualizada.

    Cloud Study Jam Maputo - a short summary

    Mar 09, 2019 · Coding

    Today, we had another Google Cloud Study Jam Maputo event. This time it was focused on introducing the participants to Data Science concepts and how to apply them using Google Cloud Platform’s tools.

    Test Doubles: A Primer

    Oct 24, 2018 · Coding

    An attempt at answering what is the difference between a Mock and a Stub

    A few MySQL subtleties and how to go about them

    May 04, 2018 · Coding

    MySQL is the most widely used database in the world. It is in the LAMP stack commonly used by Web Developers and supports many software bundles like WordPress and Drupal which in turn support most of the sites in the internet.

    Re-learning the JavaScript inheritance that doesn't exist

    Apr 06, 2017 · Coding

    This post is not about getting started with JavaScript OO, it's rather about clearing the confusion in our minds about JavaScript OO concepts. Specifically it's an attempt to mark in my head a simple truth: there's no inheritance in JavaScript...there's no such thing as prototypal inheritance.

    Writing reliable and robust code with Design by Contract

    Jan 08, 2017 · Coding

    This article explains: what Design by Contract is; how it came to be; why it helps us writing reliable and robust code; and why the technique should be on every developers toolbox. It also provides a code snippet succinctly explaining how it can applied in a simple common day-to-day scenario.

    Improving the Flask cache decorator

    Aug 26, 2016 · Coding

    The article details how we can go about improving the "standard" flask cache decorator, more specifically suggesting an API that easily resembles and relates to the client-side/browser caching-control policy

    dash(hyphen), ndash and mdash

    Aug 03, 2016 · Coding

    This article is more related to grammar and small details in language rather than the usual (coding). It tells how (accidentally) through reading code I came to learn that we actually have three (3) kinds of dashes instead of just one. I wrote this short post just so: we don't forget about them; their differences and when to use each.

    BEM - block__element--modifier

    Aug 02, 2016 · Coding

    Have your browsed through the internet lately and then view-source(d) on some pages? Have you noticed that almost all CSS classes resemble this pattern: some-thing__other-thing---change-looks — mind the double underscores and double dashes… Wondering what’s that?

    MySQL queries fail due to ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql_mode after updating to v5.7.*

    Jun 21, 2016 · Coding

    Recently, on an live project, we've updated our MySQL server version so we could use the new JSON field introduced in v5.7.8. We were successful in our quest, but, what we didn't expect, was the following stream of errors in queries. Find in this post, what caused these errors and how we fixed them (or at least circumvented for the time being)

    Alargando o HD no VirtualBox

    Aug 16, 2014 · Coding

    Para alargar um disco virtual no VirtualBox, usa-se o comando VBoxManage em um Terminal de comandos.

    Testes unitários com SmtpClient

    Aug 03, 2014 · Coding

    Ao desenvolver um sistema que envie emails, geralmente não se deve enviar os emails quando se efectuam testes. Pelo contrário, os emails devem estar disponíveis para investigação / avaliação de resultado e/ou debugging. Como sempre existem várias alternativas para resolver este problema: Fakes, Mocks ou a Implementação padrão.

    Restaurando um backup de Share Point usando apenas a base dados

    Jul 26, 2014 · Coding

    Então você tem que restaurar um backup de SharePoint mas não consegue fazê-lo usando a interface do Central Administration, pelos mais variados erros. No entanto, você tem acesso directo a base de dados de conteúdo via SQL Server ou consegue identificar o ficheiro de backup da base de dados de conteúdo dos outros  na pasta onde tem o backup da farm do SharePoint.

    Medindo o progresso de queries em SQL Server com DBCC!

    Jul 25, 2014 · Coding

    Então, hoje, depois de conseguir corromper uma base de dados tive de usar um bando de truques para conseguir restaurar a base de dados. Um dos passos envolve usar o comando DBCC CHECK que leva muito tempo. Após uns 30 minutos estava em pânico e impaciente porque o processo demorava e não tinha ideia de quanto o processo já havia corrido. Como todo bom Googler fui googlar, e eis que achei a solução: Dynamic Management Views (DMVs).